"I have had the privilege of participating in various Alphas in Quebec and have witnessed how lives are changed and how the participants are touched by the teachings, witnessing and fellowship experienced during the course. The method is simple yet very effective. Small groups are definitely a key to the success of this tool of New Evangelization."
What do Catholic Church leaders think of Alpha?
Alpha is a practical tool inspiring Catholic renewal by answering the call to the New Evangelization, the call of Christ and His Church to "go and make disciples of all nations". Alpha is proven to awaken faith in lapsed Catholics, those on the fringe of parish life and those outside the faith.
Alpha is being presented free of charge as a means of sharing the Good News with those seeking more and with those who lost their direction during the pandemic. Alpha is offered to all.

Cardinal Marc Ouellet
"Alpha brings people closer and helps them to find that power which unites. The Alpha experience is not only a means through which one finds true life, but also a way to share the good news of the Living Christ."
Cardinal Gérald Lacroix

Cardinal Christoph Schönborn
"Alpha is for meeting Jesus. What I like in all that I have seen and heard about Alpha is the simplicity. For me, the Christian life has something to do with simplicity, friendship, closeness and joy. That’s what I feel about Alpha and I think that’s a sign that it works and that it’s given from the Lord."